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ETHOS. Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century



May 1, 2022

Die Praktiken des Heldengedichts. A. G. Baumgartens ästhetisch-ethische Interventionen in F. G. Klopstocks Messias

With Frauke Berndt

Contribution to the conference "Wer wird nicht einen Klopstock loben? Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstocks poetische Innovationen und ihre produktive Rezeption"

Organization: Lutz Hagestedt and Alexander Nebrig

7:15, Quedlinburg


March 31 - April 2, 2022

International Conference: Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century

With Luca Alexander Arens, Fritz Breithaupt, Rüdiger Campe, Elisabeth Décultot, Evelyn Dueck, Daniel Fulda, Johannes Hees-Pelikan, Britta Herrmann, Alexander Honold, Stephan Kammer, Stefan Matuschek, Sebastian Meixner & Carolin Rocks, Kathia Müller, Boris Previsic, Marius Reisener, Ralf Simon, Roland Spalinger, Gabriel Trop, and Peter Wittemann

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Johannes Hees-Pelikan, Marius Reisener, and Carolin Rocks

University of Zurich (RAA-G-01) and online

Program (PDF, 289 KB)


A conference report by Konstantin Sturm will be published in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik 33/1 (2023)

March 31, 2022


With Frauke Berndt

Contribution to the international conference "Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century"

9:00, University of Zurich (RAA-G-01) and online

Program (PDF, 289 KB)

March 31, 2022


With Marius Reisener

Contribution to the international conference "Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century"

14:15, University of Zurich (RAA-G-01) and online

Program (PDF, 289 KB)

April 1, 2022


With Johannes Hees-Pelikan

Contribution to the international conference "Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century"

15:00, University of Zurich (RAA-G-01) and online

Program (PDF, 289 KB)

April 2, 2022

Praktiken der Kritik

With Sebastian Meixner and Carolin Rocks

Contribution to the international conference "Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century"

10:45, University of Zurich (RAA-G-01) and online

Program (PDF, 289 KB)


July 23-24, 2021

(Un-)Doing the Ordinary - Trouble in the Making. Alltägliches im Vormärz

With Marius Reisener

Conference "Trouble Every Day" at the University of Potsdam

April 30, 2021

Online workshop: Praxeology and Narratology. Ethical Practices in the 18th Century

With Frauke Berndt, Johannes Hees-Pelikan, Sebastian Meixner, Marius Reisener, Carolin Rocks, and Roland Spalinger

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Johannes Hees-Pelikan, and Marius Reisener

Online (please register via email)

Program (PDF, 752 KB)

April 30, 2021

Fehlerlese. Praktiken der Kritik in Gottscheds Poetik

With Carolin Rocks and Sebastian Meixner

Contribution to the online workshop "Praxeology and Narratology. Ethical Practices in the 18th Century"


April 30, 2021

Leben. Erzählen. Bodmers Autobiographie

With Johannes Hees-Pelikan

Contribution to the online workshop "Praxeology and Narratology. Ethical Practices in the 18th Century"


April 30, 2021

Dubitatio. A.G. Baumgartens praxeologische Narratologie

With Frauke Berndt

Contribution to the online workshop "Praxeology and Narratology. Ethical Practices in the 18th Century"


April 30, 2021

Die Diskurspraktik der Männlichkeit. Blanckenburgs Versuch in praxeologischer Perspektive

With Marius Reisener

Contribution to the online workshop "Praxeology and Narratology. Ethical Practices in the 18th Century"


April 10, 2021

The Praxis of Masculinity. Gendered poiesis in Friedrich Spielhagens "Theorie und Technik des Romans"

With Marius Reisener

Annual Meeting of the ACLA (Panel: "Realism as Theory")

Organization: Erica Weitzman

ACLA website



November 28, 2020

Klischees in Lessings Miß Sara Sampson und der Poetik des Bürgerlichen Trauerspiels

With Johannes Hees-Pelikan

Conference "Klischees lesen. Zum Umgang mit Klischees in Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft"

Organization: Robert Leucht, and Maria Magnin

10:00, online

Program (PDF, 39 KB)


May 14-16, 2020

International Conference: Ethical Practices in Aesthetic Theories of the 18th Century

With Frauke Berndt, Elisabeth Décultot, Johannes Hees, Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer, Stephan Kammer, Marius Reisener, Boris Previsic, Carolin Rocks, Ralf Simon, Oliver Simons, Gabriel Trop, Peter Wittemann et al.

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Johannes Hees, Marius Reisener, and Carolin Rocks

University of Zurich

March 31, 2020

CANCELLED: A.G. Baumgarten's Theory of Fiction

With Frauke Berndt

Hosted by Christian Benne

University of Copenhagen


March 26-28, 2020

CANCELLED: Ethik des Stils: Meta Klopstock

With Frauke Berndt

Conference "Stil und Rhetorik"

Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin


March 12-13, 2020

Figura (schema) in Baumgarten

With Frauke Berndt

Workshop on "schema", 12-13 March in Stockholm, a cooperation between Södertörn University and Freie Universität Berlin

Södertörn University, Stockholm


November 7-9, 2019

International Conference: Johann Jakob Bodmer's Aesthetic Theory

With Eric Achermann, Katja Fries, Nicola Gess, Nina Hahne, Johannes Hees, Kai Kauffmann, Anett Lütteken, Sergej Rickenbacher, Carolin Rocks, Roland Spalinger, and Timo Stahlkopf

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Carolin Rocks, and Johannes Hees

University of Zurich, KOL G 212 (November 7, 2019) and KOL E 13 (November 8-9, 2019)

Program (PDF, 413 KB)

Exposé (PDF, 503 KB)

November 9, 2019

Zum Schluss: Bodmers Mahlerinnen

With Carolin Rocks

Contribution to the international conference "Johann Jakob Bodmer's Aesthetic Theory"

11:30, University of Zurich (KOL-E-13)

November 9, 2019

Die dunkle Seite der Einbildungskraft bei Johann Jakob Bodmer

With Johannes Hees

Contribution to the international conference "Johann Jakob Bodmer's Aesthetic Theory"

10:00, University of Zurich (KOL-E-13)

October 3-6, 2019

GSA Seminar: The Duty of Art: Ethics & Empathy in Aesthetic Theory

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Fritz Breithaupt, and Carolin Rocks

Portland (OR)

Call for Papers (PDF, 50 KB)


October 3-6, 2019

Practices of Empathy in the Theoretical Writings of J.J. Bodmer

With Johannes Hees

Contribution to the Seminar "The Duty of Art. Ethics and Empathy in Aesthetic Theory", Forty-Third Annual Conference, German Studies Association

Portland (OR)


July 30, 2019

Wi(e)dersprechen. Redefiguren im Literaturstreit zwischen Leipzig und Zürich

With Johannes Hees

NYU Berlin

Summer School 2019 "Figuren der Rede / Figures of Speech" (LMU, NYU, UZH)

July 9, 2019

Dubitatio. A.G. Baumgartens ethische Praktik der literarischen Fiktion

With Frauke Berndt

Guest lecture at the Institut für Romanische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin

Organization: Anita Traninger

Freie Universität Berlin


July 5, 2019

What makes a man a man? Schminken als subjektkonstitutive Praktik des Staunens bei J. J. Bodmer

With Johannes Hees

Contribution to the international conference "Provozierte Bewunderung. Selbstinszenierung und Vergemeinschaftung" hosted by the research project "The Power of Wonder. The Instrumentalization of Admiration, Astonishment and Surprise in Discourses of Knowledge, Power and Art" (Sinergia, SNF).

Organization: Mireille Schnyder, Ulrich Bröckling, Nicola Gess, and Hugues Marchal

15:00, University of Zurich (RAA-G-01)

May 25, 2019

Musen erzählen. Zu Kellers "Sieben Legenden"

With Carolin Rocks

Contribution to the international conference "Welt wollen. Gottfried Kellers Moderne (1819–1890). Internationaler Kongress zum 200. Geburtstag"

Organization:Frauke Berndt, Ann-Sophie Bosshard, Philipp Theisohn, and Zoe Zobrist

10:15, University of Zurich (KOL-E-13)


September 22, 2018

Das Gute empfinden lernen. Sulzer über den ethischen Nutzen der Kunst

With Carolin Rocks

Organization: Lothar van Laak and Kristin Eichhorn

University of Paderborn

Annual meeting of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts"; 19-22 September 2018; University of Paderborn

May 28, 2018

Ethical Practices. Praxeology-Workshop

With Oliver Kohns, Niklaus Largier, Oliver Marchart, Dorothea von Mücke, Philipp Sarasin, Hania Siebenpfeiffer, and Anita Traninger

Organization: Frauke Berndt, Carolin Rocks, and Johannes Hees

University of Zurich, German Department (SOG B 07)

Poster (PDF, 547 KB)

Program (PDF, 365 KB)

May 14, 2018

Ethik und Ästhetik der Kritik bei Johann Jakob Bodmer

With Johannes Hees

Organization: Prof. Dr. Susanne Lüdemann

LMU München

Guest lecture in the seminar "Literaturkritik und Öffentlichkeit im 18. Jahrhundert"

March 15-16, 2018

Understanding – Johann Jakob Bodmer's Aesthetics between Rationality and Empathy

Workshop with Anett Lütteken and a guest lecture by Jana Kittelmann. In cooperation with the doctoral program "Deutsche und Nordische Philologie"

Organization: Johannes Hees

February 17, 2018

Ethical Practices in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics

With Frauke Berndt

Wesleyan University

February 15, 2018

A.G. Baumgarten's Theory of Fiction

With Frauke Berndt

Organization: Peter De Bolla

King's College, University of Cambridge

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